A Note From Nurse Jessica - April Wellness Update

LOA Families and Staff~

I can't believe we have less than 6 weeks left in our school year!!  With warmer weather heading our way it's the perfect time of year to get outdoors. 

Getting outdoors may include hiking, walking, playing sports, and/or riding a bike.  Below you will find some helpful tips for Bike Safety from Safe Kids Georgia. 

Bike Safety: "Use your head, wear a helmet"

There are so many great reasons to ride your bike: It offers fun, freedom and exercise, and it’s good for the environment. We want kids and families to ride their bikes as much as possible.

Properly-fitted helmets can reduce the risk of head injuries by at least 45 percent – yet less than half of children 14 and under usually wear a bike helmet.

Top Tips

  1. Wear a properly-fitted helmet. It is the best way to prevent head injuries and death.

  2. Ride on the sidewalk when you can. If not, ride in the same direction as traffic as far on the right-hand side as possible.  

  3. Use hand signals and follow the rules of the road. Ride in a straight line and don’t swerve between cars.    

  4. Wear bright colors and use lights, especially when riding at night and in the morning. Reflectors on your clothes and bike will help you be seen.

  5. Ride with your children. Stick together until you are comfortable that your kids are ready to ride on their own. 

Bike Helmet Fit Check: 

I hope that everyone stays well for the remainder of the year!!

We are planning a sports physical clinic. Be on the lookout for more information in an email to come.  Sports physicals are good for a year, so this will be a great time to grab an updated form for next school year. 


Kind regards, 

Jessica Tolbert, RN