Curriculum Enhancements 


Pre-k Bright from the start

LOA offers four classes of Georgia’s Bright from the Start program. To apply for the Pre-K program, please visit the Admissions tab of the LOA website.

core knowledge

LOA implements the Core Knowledge curriculum in addition to the Georgia Standards of Excellence in grades K-8 .

International skills diploma seal

The ISDS is awarded by the Georgia Department of Education to graduating high school students who complete an international education curriculum and engage in extracurricular activities and experiences that foster the achievement of global competencies.

AP® capstone diploma school

The AP Capstone is a College Board program that provides current AP students with the research, teamwork, writing and communication skills that colleges seek in its applicants.  

The AP Capstone include two courses, AP Seminar and AP Research, which are designed to enrich other AP courses in which a student is enrolled and will qualify students for the AP Capstone Diploma.

Gifted Education Manual

This resource manual is to serve as a guide for teachers, administrators, and families to understand gifted procedures at Lake Oconee Academy, in accordance with the State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.38. All regulations and protocols described in this manual are consistent with that law. Under Georgia’s adoption of the State Board of Education Rule 160-8-.38, Georgia law requires procedures and plans be specified for stakeholders of an educational institution.