Additional Graduation Requirements 

LOA Community Service

Community service is a requirement at Lake Oconee Academy. The following is a suggested time-line for completion of service hours:

  • by the end of the freshman year: 10 hours

  • by the end of the sophomore year: 15 hours

  • by the end of the junior year: 20 hours

  • by the end of the senior year: 25 hours

    (For a total of 70 community service hours.)

What are Acceptable Projects? Acceptable projects for which a student can receive volunteer hours may include but are not limited to the following:

What Counts?
What Does Not Count
Volunteering with any agency, non-profit group, hospital, church, student organization, civic group, community organization, etc. Service for which you receive course credit, such as internships or class assignments, unless you work more hours than required.
Time that you spend planning or organizing a service event. Participating in “drives” where you drop off items for a collection
Meeting that you attend in order to plan or organize a service event, learn about service opportunities, or learn community leadership skills. Participation in a school event or activity, such as rehearsing for performances, participation in athletic events or other extracurricular activities.
Mission or work trips with your church or a community group for the actual volunteer work hours. Time at conventions, mission, or work trips when you are sleeping, attending social functions, eating, etc.
Community organizing including voter registration and political campaigns. Paid work of any kind or work for which you receive any kind of compensation.
Time that you spend planning for drives and fund-raising activities for charities such as the United Way, American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, etc. Hours spent attending religious events in a church, synagogue, mosque, or faith-based institution will not be recognized. However, hours spent volunteering at religious pre-schools, daycares, or community outreach centers (food pantries, clothing centers) may be claimed.
Unpaid Internships with non-profit groups that serve the community.
Time that you spend organizing and preparing for a charity event or fundraiser.
Peer Tutoring for the National Honor Society or content Honor Societies under supervision of NHS or other sponsors Being tutored.


Hours must be submitted within the school year in which they are earned. 

Once you have determined that your project meets the acceptable guidelines, log your hours on your X2vol account.  See Mrs. Etheridge for “how to” create your account.

Each event must be entered separately and verified by the adult responsible.  

Hours will not be counted until the verification is received.